After describing the vision of a worshiper of the universal form (viśvato-mukham), Krishna next delves into those who worship Krishna indirectly in diverse forms (pṛthaktvena bahudhā) or the demigod worshipers.
Those who study the three sciences (trai-vidyā), or the three Vedas, and drink the soma juice (soma-pāḥ) seek heavenly planets (svar-gatiṁ prārthayante) while worshiping (iṣṭvā) Krishna (māṁ). Being cleansed of sin (pūta-pāpā), they (te) attain (āsādya) the pious (puṇyam) heavenly planet of Indra (surendra-lokam), and in heaven (divi), they enjoy (aśnanti) the celestial (divyān) pleasures of gods (deva-bhogān). (BG 9.20) Having thus enjoyed (taṁ bhuktvā) the vast (viśālaṁ) heavenly world (svarga-lokaṁ) and exhausting the results of their pious activities (kṣīṇe puṇye), they return back (viśanti) to this mortal planet (martya-lokaṁ). Thus (evaṁ), those who seek sense enjoyment (kāma-kāmā) by adhering to the principles of the three Vedas (trayī-dharmam anuprapannā) achieve (labhante) only repeated birth and death (gatāgataṁ). (BG 9.21)
[On the other hand,] those (ye janāḥ) who worship (paryupāsate) Krishna (māṁ) exclusively (ananyāś) meditating on His transcendental form (cintayanto māṁ) – for them (teṣāṁ) who are constantly engaged in Krishna’s service (nityābhiyuktānāṁ), Krishna (aham) brings (vahāmy) augmentation (yoga), and protection (kṣemaṁ). (BG 9.22) Krishna’s augmentation carries what we lack and His protection preserves what we have.After highlighting a contrast between the seekers of heaven who are worshiping the diverse forms of divinity (or demigods) and the exclusive worshipers of Krishna, Krishna draws out an important conclusion from this section. Those who are devotees of other gods (anya-devatā-bhaktā) and who worship them with faith (yajante śraddhayānvitāḥ) actually worship only Krishna (te ’pi mām eva), but they worship (yajanty) in a wrong way (avidhi-pūrvakam). (BG 9.23)
Why is it considered wrong to worship demigods carrying the conception they are independent controllers? Krishna (ahaṁ) is the only (eva) enjoyer (bhoktā) and master (prabhur) of all sacrifices (sarva-yajñānāṁ). But (tu), those demigod worshipers (te) do not (na) recognize (abhijānanti) Krishna (mām) in the true sense (tattvenā) and therefore (ataḥ) they fall down (cyavanti). (BG 9.24) Not every spiritual aspirant goes to the same destination. Those who worship the demigods (deva-vratā) will go (yānti) to the planets of the demigods (devān); those who worship the ancestors (pitṛ-vratāḥ) go (yānti) to the ancestors (pitṝn); spirit worshipers (bhūtejyā) go (yānti) to the spirit (bhūtāni), and those who worship Krishna (mad-yājino) go (yānti) to Krishna (mām) or Krishna’s abode. (BG 9.25)
Therefore, for ultimate success, the ultimate object of all our worship and sacrifices must be Krishna and the ultimate objective for all our efforts must be pleasing Krishna.