Gita Gita-10 God Hearing Knowledge

BG 10.01-03: Knowing the unknowable

Written by divinemind

Krishna continues on with His revelation of confidential knowledge. Krishna requests Arjuna to hear (śṛṇu) His supreme word (me paramaṁ vacaḥ) yet again (bhūya eva). Krishna speaks (vakṣyāmi) further desiring Arjuna’s benefit (hita-kāmyayā) as Arjuna is very dear (prīyamāṇāya) to Him. (BG 10.1) Neither the hosts of demigods (sura-gaṇāḥ) nor the great sages (maharṣayaḥ) know (viduḥ) Krishna’s origin (prabhavaṁ), for He is the source of the demigods (aham ādir hi devānāṁ) and sages (maharṣīṇāṁ ca) in every respect (sarvaśaḥ). (BG 10.2)

Why is it important to know Krishna? One who knows (vetti) Krishna (mām) as (i) unborn (ajam), (ii) beginningless (anādiṁ), and (iii) the Supreme Lord of all the worlds (loka-maheśvaram) is undeluded (asammūḍhaḥ) among the mortals (martyeṣu), and is freed (pramucyate) from all sins (sarva-pāpaiḥ). (BG 10.3) Since knowing Krishna to be simultaneously unborn, beginningless and the Lord of everything is beyond the range of our experience, this constitutes confidential knowledge.

In summary, it is impossible to understand one’s source without being favored by the source. When one hears in the disciplic succession, one receives the favor of the Lord and therefore can know Krishna by revelation.