Evil Gita Gita-16

BG 16.17-20: The demoniac action and outcome

Written by divinemind

Krishna furthermore describes the actions performed by the demoniac and His reciprocation with them.

Self-aggrandizing (ātma-sambhāvitāḥ), stubborn (stabdhā), filled with pride and arrogance over their wealth (dhana-māna-madānvitāḥ), they (te) deceitfully (dambhenā) offer (yajante) sacrifices (yajñais) in name only (nāma), without following any rules or regulations (avidhi-pūrvakam). (BG 16.17) Sheltered in (saṁśritāḥ) false ego (ahaṅkāraṁ), strength (balaṁ), arrogance (darpaṁ), lust (kāmaṁ) and anger (krodhaṁ ca), the demoniac carrying envy in their hearts (abhyasūyakāḥ) blaspheme (pradviṣanto) Krishna (mām), who is situated in their own bodies and in the bodies of others (ātma-para-deheṣu). (BG 16.18)

How does Krishna reciprocate with such a demoniac mentality? To the demoniac (tān) who are envious (dviṣataḥ) and cruel (krūrān), the lowest in humankind (narādhamān), Krishna (ahaṁ) repeatedly (ajasram) throws them (kṣipāmy) into the cycle of birth and death (saṁsāreṣu) exclusively (eva) among the inauspicious (aśubhān) demoniac (āsurīṣv) species of life (yoniṣu). (BG 16.19) Having fallen (āpannā) into repeated births (janmani janmani) among the demoniac species of life (āsurīṁ yonim), such fools (mūḍhā) surely never approaching (aprāpyaiva) Krishna (mām kaunteya), thereafter sink down (tato yānty) to the lowest state of existence (adhamāṁ gatim). (BG 16.20)