Gratitude Pride Satisfaction Stories

Story: Mousy’s Magical Lesson

Written by divinemind

Once upon a time, in a world where animals could talk and saints had magical powers, there was a little mouse named Mousy. Mousy wasn’t having a good time because a mean cat was always chasing after him. Feeling scared and tired, Mousy decided to seek help from a wise old saint who lived in the nearby forest.

Mousy approached the saint and said, “Sir, I’m in trouble! The cat keeps chasing me, and I don’t know what to do. Can you please help me?”

The kind saint asked, “What kind of help do you need, little friend?”

Mousy replied, “I wish I could become a cat myself so that the big cat won’t bother me anymore.”

The saint thought for a moment and then said, “Alright, your wish is granted. You shall become a cat.”

Mousy was happy for a while, but soon he was back, looking sad. The saint asked, “What’s wrong now?”

Mousy sighed, “Now a dog is chasing me! Being a cat isn’t as easy as I thought.”

The saint chuckled and asked, “So, what would you like to be now?”

Mousy thought for a moment and said, “Maybe if I were a tiger, then no one would dare to chase me!”

The saint smiled and turned Mousy into a tiger. However, to everyone’s surprise, the tiger started staring at the saint with hungry eyes.

“Why are you looking at me like that? Do you want to eat me?” asked the saint.

The tiger nodded eagerly.

The saint, realizing the mistake, said, “Oh dear! You’ve forgotten the lesson. You should appreciate who you are and not try to be something else. Now, go back to being a mouse, and remember to be content with who you are.”

And just like that, Mousy turned back into a mouse but with a valuable lesson in his heart. From that day on, Mousy embraced being a mouse and learned that it’s okay to be oneself. The saint’s magic became a reminder that everyone has a special role to play, and trying to be something you’re not might lead to unexpected troubles.

The moral of the story is: Be happy with who you are because everyone is special in their own way.